Elevating Small Businesses with Simple and Easy-to-use Gym Management Software

Spearheaded the redesign of AtomComplete, a fitness solution catering to gym owners and enthusiasts. Identified and resolved design issues, and established a design and developer workflow system which was then used over the next 2 years for multiple client and internal projects.
Product Designer
Bohemian Innovation
Project Type
Web App
February to March 2021

Software built for small gym owners and trainers

AtomComplete, initially conceived as a fitness solution for gym owners and enthusiasts, sought to provide a comprehensive platform. Gym owners managed their business operations, while gym goers utilized a mobile app for fitness monitoring and class sign-ups. As the designer tasked with the project, I had to identify what needed work. I was aware that my boss wanted to launch and the app needed some quick visual fixes, but I wanted to do a full run-through of the app to see what I could find out.

I noticed that the app didn’t have an onboarding, causing issues like the inability to create a fitness class. The quickest way to create an onboarding was checkboxes that guided the user through every step, including links to each of those pages in the app. I was hired full-time shortly after I presented that feature.

Onboarding Checklist for First Time Users

In addition to the onboarding fix, the design process started with a meticulous evaluation of both web and mobile apps for both the Gym Owner and the Member. The mission critical issues would be at the intersection of what common user complaints with the app were, and what I had identified as issues that could cause blockage down the line. Those are the ones I brought to the attention of my PM, Julie, and my boss, Lynette.

Working on a truly remote team: Challenges and Solutions

I’m in Houston.

The developers I work with are in Vietnam.

I go to sleep; they wake up to work on my design handoffs. So, they needed detailed instructions on how to execute my designs. If they had questions, it would mean waiting 12 more hours till I woke up and solved it. I had to make it an efficient handoff process.

That meant implementing a developer handoff system for efficient collaboration. This would be a mix of heavily documented Figma files for developer-only (This is before Figma’s Dev Mode), along with short Loom videos detailing design decisions and complex workflows to developers.

The outcomes included an improved and consistent UI, streamlined workflows, and a group of very satisfied developers, happy to see structure in the design process with their well-being in mind. However, a crucial realization surfaced – AtomComplete wasn't the right fit for the market.

Organizing all the underlying UX and UI issues for AtomComplete.
Creating a handoff Figma specifically for developers. Project Manager would then add the API calls.

Time to pivot into something new: AtomPay

When my coworkers were talking to users, they discovered that for some, getting payment from clients was a big hassle. The more they dove into it, they realize it’s a problem they can solve faster and launch. However, it had to be a new product. That’s when we shifted to AtomPay, which aimed to be a tool to streamline transactions. The journey from AtomComplete to AtomPay demonstrated a commitment to iterative design processes and a forward-thinking approach to address evolving market demands.

Creating a class inside AtomComplete's Gym Owner App
Gym Community Set up with post reporting
User Onboarding Steps, guiding gym owners on how to set up their gyms.